Wednesday, November 21, 2012

'Summerfest' 2012

It’s less than a week till we kick off for ‘Summerfest’.

Here are three reasons I’m excited about this year’s event:

1. There are lots of new experiments to try with the environment. They are all based on loving principles so I can’t wait to see how they turn out.

2. This year is less hard, repetitive yakka. More diversity, lots more opportunities for participants to learn things they can implement on their own land. People have the opportunity to learn while they are giving.

3. There has been more interest this year from other groups in the community who may attend e.g. the local Landcare and the local Sustainability group. Newbies to welcome and meet = yay!

4. There is already a great team spirit amongst those who have been involved in the planning and leadership so far. This usually spells FUN for leaders and participants alike!

Oops that was four things I’m excited about!

If you are still tossing up about whether or not to come here is an outline of the programme:

28th November – Swales, Systems & Contour Planting

We will begin the week in a large paddock (around 100 acres) focussing on large scale soil improvement and water management. Methods to be demonstrated and created include: using contours and ponds to redirect and retain water, and building living eco systems to provide fertility and regenerate soil, and seeding of grasses to prevent soil erosion.


29th November – Re-generation and restoration of swampy land 
Activity on this day will using some alternate methods to reduce water logging down from the paddock worked on on day one. We will focus on improving water take up through building living systems above ground and planting shrubs and bushes to absorb water.

30th November: Swales & Living Systems
Work on this day will build upon swaling that was completed at last year’s ‘Octoberfest’. We will tend to the planting from last year incorporating living systems into swales to create fertility and improve soil.

1st & 2nd December: Various Activities To Choose From

There are three activities to choose from on both Saturday and Sunday. You can choose a different activity each day and have the opportunity to swap between activities during the day at 11.30am.

Activity 1: Waterless Home Gardening – demonstrating several techniques including fibonachi system to maximise sun and water usage of any area, designing waterflow in your garden, techniques to minimize or completely remove the need for watering, mixed planting incorporating natives both flowering and mulching, fruit trees and vegetables.

Activity 2: Nature boxes – positioning boxes for animals and birds according to their particular needs, providing shelter close to food and water. Scouting for suitable locations and some tree climbing will be necessary. 

Activity 3: Creating reptile habitat – Reptiles are often forgotten or even shunned members of vital ecosystems. This activity will focus on providing habitat for reptiles by placing shelter, food and water in close proximity, providing safe transit zones. We will utilize above ground living systems to incorporate suitable living shelters and abundant insect life. There will also be planting for protection and mulching.


3rd December: Unfinished Projects & Possible Green House Construction
The day’s focus will be on completion of any unfinished projects plus green house construction and waterless seedling propagation. Full details TBA on the day.


If you want more information on Summerfest including prerequisite listening and 'what to bring' its all listed on the 'Whats New' Page of the Divine Truth website.

Hope to see some of you happy campers down there!

P.S. There should also be lots of fun in the evenings. Think: concerts, karaoke, dancing and film nights....

P.P.S. We spent a sometime planning with the leaders team at Kyabra couple of weeks ago . The photos in this post are from that week and were taken by the wonderful Eloisa.


  1. lol I was trying to figure out what a "think concert" was... heh heh... I worked it out!
    Really looking forward to next week and seeing you all. Some glorious photos in there, love 'em.

    1. Ha, Teresa, I'm sorry about my cryptic sentences!

      I wrote this post late last night after a big day at book group. I edited a little this morning so hopefully it makes more sense now. My formatting still doesn't want to play ball however /-:

      See you soon!


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