Monday, February 6, 2012


The extreme cold that effected all of Europe hit while we were in Gothenburg. The thermometer on the outside of our cosy apartment registered -15 degrees, and Per in Vilhemina told us his had dropped to -40. 

The hospitality and our central heating however were so warm that we were never uncomfortable.

We held three great seminars here and it was evident to both us how our own emotions effect who attends and how things go. In the week following our second seminar we both connected to some big stuff and the third session was a dream. 

Thank-you to all of the Swedes who made us welcome and those from other countries that made the trip. We had fun - hope you did too!

1 comment:

  1. Mary

    When I listened to the Sweden talks and a little preview of the US talks, I felt pretty sad that to me they felt much warmer and "successful" than the UK talks which in contrast had more interruption, hostility and more deviation from the subject of the talk. I'm sure you've reflected on that and I'd be interested in any conclusions you came to about the reasons behind that. The only cocnclusion I came to was that the audiences were very attached to their belief systems and had come hoping that you and AJ would confirm what they already believed.

    Looking at myself, still seeking some kindred spirits.



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