Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Poem to God

Could you love me God? Little me?
Could you love me THAT much?
Could I really become clean?

Help me find my true self, my desires,
Help me find the pathway through the dark,
Help me LOVE.

I want to love.

I want others to want your Love,
and to know its power ,
through seeing me change.

I am just a little girl, a little lost,
Bewildered by this BIG world I find myself in.

Help me touch my sorrow.

There is so much sadness
It feels knit into the fibres of my being.
Help me love the colour of my soul,
Just as it is,
Right now.

Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you,
There are no words for you.
I am just a little girl
with words, far too few

Help me find the words, the will,
to share your Glory.

How can I know you well?
I am humbled by You
Your presence makes me want to bow down for you,
How can I face you?

You know me so well and I feel shame,
How could you love me after knowing me?
I am so broken
and oh so little.

Help me have faith that I may heal.

Help me have courage
to stand on your doorstep
and knock on your door

Let me feel worthy enough
to ask….
to ask for your Love and your Wisdom.

I do not feel deserving of such things
I am little
and a lot broken.

Hey everyone, this is my first 'Poem to God'

Last year when I ran the workshops one of the activities was for you all to write a Poem to God and it was always, inevitably my favourite part in every weekend. I loved watching you all shine as you shared your poems with each other. After the workshops some of you sent me your poems and I have them stored in a folder on my computer. Can I say I love them all. I cried as I read every single one of them. Each is as unique as the soul who created them. I find it one of the most precious things in the world to hear a heart call out to God, to want to talk to God.

It was a seed of a dream that one day someone, maybe Joseph (I have asked him yet!), may want to include some of your poetry in a publication. Who knows maybe someday we can do this...


  1. Little, lost, shameful, broken.. Felt like this my entire life. This is so beautiful, Mary.. Thanks for sharing.

  2. My heart reaches out to you in your resistance. In a class I took on the quantum matrix, also called the Heart of God, an amazing energy came through the group which I could, thanks to ya'll, identify as Divine Love. In groups of 3 we helped each other "close the gap" between where we want to be and where we are with a light touch, a question or statement, and someone there to catch us as we collapsed the constructs holding us back from making the leap. Big aha! There is no separation, no chasm to cross! It's imaginary, a lie perpetrated by society. Know that you already are perfect and lovable and in God's arms at all times. You are already on the cruise ship. Mary,
    your courage in sharing all these doubts and fears is proof of your strength and ability to weather the storm. Thank you so much for being here with us now on Earth.
    Much love,
    Kathleen R. in Tennessee, USA

  3. Hi Kathleen,

    Nice to 'meet' you all the way over there in Tennessee!
    I have to disagree with your comment here that there is 'no separation'. While I have faith that God loves me completely, right now, I also know that I block his love often. It is me who causes a separation from God and I pray daily to open myself more to Him. This is the Path and the truth of my life.

    I feel that many comments I have heard in the 'new age' movement - such as 'you are already enlightened', 'there is no separation' etc are all ways of avoiding that we do still carry pain, and that we are not yet at-one with God.

    At times we can seek to 'comfort' another who expresses their pain in order to avoid our own, or because we feel we are more evolved than they are and therefore more qualified to 'rescue' them. In your words I sensed that you felt the need to comfort or quieten my grief.

    Please know that I am comforted by God's Love when I have the courage to expose my pain and fear to Her. I share my struggles to trust God and this process, here on this blog, only because I feel it may help others to see that it is not always easy to break our attachments to the beliefs and emotions we were taught as children that now block our relationship with God. And hopefully to demonstrate that in fact this is the true way to connect to God and learn to Love in a pure way.

    Love to you

  4. I feel as tho these truths that you share Mary .. they are going to break me ... I can barely stand it ... to be so close to these things you reveal ... not just about yourself but about me ... you aren't just describing your desires/feelings/fears .. but my own ...

    I think the difference between your sharings & Yeshua's is that his while absolutely brilliant .. the highest truths ... they feel distant to me ... like in your "dingy" analogy (which I loved) ... Yeshua's truths are like that ship in the distance ... that i am in love with yes ... but when will i get there ?? Your truths are like the frayed edges of that rope you described dangling in the water ... I recognize them as being more immediate & therefore more painful yet .. exactly what I need ... you both answer my prayers in different ways ... it is like you are introducing me to myself by being you .. & by being honest ... words cannot describe the Love I feel

    Thank you



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